DAVID SERERO plays a music teacher int he comedy OVERLOAD ROCK OR DIE directed by Mark Aiello in NewDAVID SERERO plays a music teacher in the comedy OVERLOAD ROCK OR DIE directed by Mark Aiello in New York. Watch David Serero's scenes:#davidserero #actor #markaiello #overloadrockordie #musicteacher
DAVID SERERO plays a music teacher in the comedy OVERLOAD ROCK OR DIE directed by Mark Aiello in New York. Watch David Serero's scenes:#davidserero #actor #markaiello #overloadrockordie #musicteacher
David Serero performs the Star Spangled Banner and Hatikvah in Times Square, New York on July 31st 2024
"KOSHER NOSTRA - L'histoire de la mafia juive mondiale, de ses origines à nos jours" par David Serero
"KOSHER NOSTRA - The History of the World Jewish Mafia from its Origins to the Present" by David Serero
The documentary on the creation of the Royal Opera of Morocco by David Serero is available on YouTube and other platforms
Le documentaire sur la création de l'Opéra Royal du Maroc par David Serero est disponible sur YouTube et autres plateformes