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Book release: "From “I CAN’T BREATHE" to ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER’"

Book release: « From "I CAN'T BREATHE" to 'BLACK LIVES MATTER,' How George Floyd's Tragic Death Changed America » The Complete Diary of the Events by David Serero

May 25, 2020, is a date that no one will ever forget. That day, we all saw the terrible death of George Floyd on social media. Sitting at the computer in his New York apartment, opera singer, producer, and author David Serero witnessed this horrific video, which went viral and made headlines on every news channel. He had never seen a man agonizing and begging for his life under the knee of a Police officer in the United States of America, and thus, in the 21st century. He was outraged and sad. This behavior was unacceptable, indeed criminal, and righteously prosecuted as such. As a Jew, it reminded him of photos of Nazis who proudly killed Jews during the Holocaust. Although he didn't know the details of Floyd's arrest yet, he knew it was not right. Following George Floyd's tragic death, David Serero witnessed a series of events he wanted to collect in the same book, A Diary, to understand how the event led to another. He hopes future generations will understand the escalation that led from an apparent crime to a protest, then to an American revolution, to hopefully a change for the better in a country still struggling with racism.

During the unprecedented quarantine and lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and while strict rules of self-distancing were applied, thousands of Americans took to the streets to protest police brutality and support the Black Lives Matter movement. Some protesters were peaceful, others very violent, creating chaos, which ultimately required the presence of the National Guard and a curfew.

For 8 minutes and 46 seconds, George Floyd struggled for his life and mentioned his sadly known « I Can't Breathe...Mama...». David Serero's « fact-based-only » Diary covered the events day by day, from the tragic death of George Floyd to the protests, the looting and burning of businesses, the curfews, demolishing statues, the burning of the American Flag, reporters being rioted, Police officers being attacked. In contrast, others showed their support by putting a knee down for George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement. While some protesters supported the police authorities, others provoked and attacked them. This prompted authorities to even request to 'defund the Police' and pass new bills to have officers liable for their actions, while... innocent civilians were brutally shot during the deadly weekend of Independence Day in several cities of America and thus by other civilians.

After reading this Dairy, you will find the 100 Questions he calls « ILLOGICAL.» « Illogical » is the tragic death of George Floyd and other events. « Illogical » because we have the solutions, but no one wishes to use them. « Illogical » because these questions shouldn't be asked since we modestly think that we have learned the lessons of our History and, therefore, have already solved this matter. He called them « The ILLOGICAL 100 » and hoped it would open a healthy dialogue and reflection for everyone to debate most peacefully.

David Serero is on the side of all Americans; it does not make any difference with anyone's ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or political views, though he refers to a culture that defines us and is made to be shared and preserved. He often says, « Culture is what is left once we have forgotten and lost everything.» As an immigrant and observer, he was in the correct position to witness a country sadly (still) struggling with race in the 21st century, at a time when History and education are so much available on the internet.

« As a proud Immigrant of this fantastic country of the United States, which I love and cherish from the bottom of my heart, I care about all lives. Separating each life into a specific category based on their ethnicity is racism to me. Yet, I observed and absorbed a lot of information reported daily by the media, social media posts, heated discussions, politicians, protesters, and more. I listened to comments and statements from all sides, from my outside eyes and ears (as I grew up in France, where our race or ethnicity does not define us).

David Serero is 39 years old. He has performed for over 20 years as an opera singer worldwide. He raised millions of dollars for charities to fight all sorts of crimes (including racism), and his single wish has always been That we could all live under the same roof and celebrate our cultures.

David Serero added: « Although I'm a strong believer that 'all lives matter,' I'm also a strong ally of the Black people and their culture. Let me say this loud and clear: America, without Black people, will not be America. Imagine this country without black music, singers, entertainment moguls, actors, comedians, athletes, and many more. Without them, this country will be quite sad. Please always remember that all these artists and business people have created millions of jobs, paid billions of dollars of taxes, and are one of the reasons why the whole world wants to come to America and buy American goods. Young kids from all over the world idolize the work and legacy of the Black American culture. Being a full component of the American Culture, this culture must be respected and celebrated. There is no 'white' America, only the United States of America! » Proudly said Serero.

Though he proudly exposed the above, he will always support the Police. « They are here for you and'll always be there for you. I do believe that it is compatible to support the Black Lives Matter movement, mourn George Floyd's tragic death as well as other unresolved Police brutality (which I also expose in this book), AND respect the Police and the Authorities as I have too much respect and admiration for their bravery. I respect the Law and the Police officers no matter what. Can you name any friends who will take a bullet for you just to protect you? Well, this is the Diary of Police Officers. Yet, no one cares...Everybody calls them when they have a problem. No one calls them to say, « Thank you for your service. I am having a great day. What about yourself? Wanna grab a beer? ». They are called in the worst and most complex situations and are often yelled out, insulted, and sadly lose their lives on the duty to protect all people. We can support the Black Lives Matter movement while respecting the Laws and the Police. However, brutality is sometimes overused by some of them in an unnecessary situation. Trust me; you do not wish to be in a country (in which weapons are so easily sold) where there are no Laws nor Police… » said Serero.

« I wish to dedicate this book to the memory of George Floyd and a special thought to his family. The same thought is going to all the victims who died because of their skin color, religion, or orientation from all over the world and throughout our History, sadly teaching us that we should never take anything for granted. This book is also for all my Black Brothers and Sisters who have inspired me all my life. Back when I was a poor child and teenager living in the projects of suburban Paris, I had posters of Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, Will Smith, Quincy Jones, Miles Davis, Eddie Murphy, Whoopi Goldberg, and many more on my walls. These heroes of mine fulfilled my dreams that tomorrow, somehow, and someday, will be...OK. As with all tragic parts of our History, we must sit and retain all the right lessons. Let's start from the beginning, on May 25, 2020, in Minneapolis. » said Serero.

David Serero (a French citizen living in New York) covered these unprecedented events from an external point of view and saw a nation still struggling with race and acceptance, with an eternal debate. This is a historical event that will remain in U.S. history.

This Diary does not represent the author's opinion of the events.

The book « From I CAN'T BREATHE to BLACK LIVES MATTER, How George Floyd's Tragic Death Changed America.» The Complete Diary of the Events by David Serero is available on Amazon, iBooks, and all major book platforms. It is also available in Kindle and Audiobook.

ISBN: 9781005363024

Kindle Price: U.S. $9.99

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